Feature #575
Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 9 years ago
*Needed data from geographers* - define needed depth, e.g. for Austria Katastralgemeinde, it doesn't matter if different depths for different regions - all data in one table like the Austrian example one we already received: <pre> columns: id, parent_id, name, type, code, the_geom e.g. 4, 204, Ferlach, Gemeinde, 20405, 010300... </pre> - root elements e.g. austria have no parent_id - no multiple inheritance (parents) *To do* - get administrative units with coordinates - how to distinguish these units from other (user entered) place entites (use type?) - dpp and medcon - editable? and if how to? - import them to database - implement in UI *How to import* attached file AT_admin.backup <pre> createdb units_austria psql -d units_austria -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -d units_austria AT_admin.backup </pre> For some reason I have to run the pg_restore a second time to import without errors.