



From 2024-05-15 to 2024-06-13


14:36 Feature #2312 (Closed): Display objects, not locations at e.g. move event
Under the hood places are 2 linked entities:
* a physical object, e.g. a house
* the location, e.g. a point on the ...
Alexander Watzinger


15:59 Feature #2253 (In Progress): Displaying movement
Alexander Watzinger
15:58 Feature #2165 (Closed): Options to show a map on the start page
Alexander Watzinger


11:08 Feature #2296: Different display of shapes on maps
Moving to upcoming release version because already implemented. Alexander Watzinger


16:54 Feature #2296 (Closed): Different display of shapes on maps
Olivia Reichl
14:03 Feature #1892: Network visualization
Moving to next version to be released because already closed. Alexander Watzinger
14:03 Feature #2065: IIIF viewer integration
Moving to next version to be released because already closed. Alexander Watzinger
14:01 Bug #2302 (Closed): Some search filter don't return anything
I haven't checked them all but e.g. *CIDOC class* and *System class* don't return anything.
I would remove "System c...
Alexander Watzinger
13:19 Administration #2301 (Acknowledged): Monitor Uptime
If any presentation site isn't working we should automatically be notified to be able to remedy any issues quickly.
Moritz Großfurtner


11:25 Feature #2165 (In Progress): Options to show a map on the start page
Olivia Reichl
11:19 Feature #2065 (Closed): IIIF viewer integration
Olivia Reichl


16:02 Feature #2296: Different display of shapes on maps
Yes, it is possible for @lp@, @lpx@, @geojson@ and @geojson-v2@ with the parameter @centroid=true@. I'm sorry, it app... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:13 Feature #2296 (Assigned): Different display of shapes on maps
Assigning this issue to Bernhard first with the question if the center points for shapes are already available via th... Alexander Watzinger
14:10 Feature #2296 (Closed): Different display of shapes on maps
When viewing the maps with all places it would be better to display shapes just as center points (like in the backend... Alexander Watzinger
11:47 Feature #2268 (Closed): Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Implemented it just now! Moritz Großfurtner


17:55 Feature #2295 (Assigned): Show additional file information
Because it is now possible to add following information to files in the backend:
* Creator
* License holder
* Link...
Alexander Watzinger
07:58 Bug #2289 (Closed): don't use project.config.json for configuration which is not exposed via cms
currently, we store configuration for network graph node colors in `project.config.json` (see Stefan Probst


16:48 Feature #2250 (Closed): Dark mode logos for Approaching Byzantium and MAMEMS
Olivia Reichl
14:25 Feature #2268: Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Did you change the format already? I think this is quite crucial, because some changes are only available on this for... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:22 Feature #2065: IIIF viewer integration
I added to the new develop version the IIIF manifest link and the mimetype to depictions for the Linked Places format... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
13:39 Feature #2065 (In Progress): IIIF viewer integration
Olivia Reichl
13:53 Feature #2287 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for sources / translations
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:52 Feature #2286 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for human remains / artifacts
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:51 Feature #2285 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for features
Olivia Reichl
13:51 Feature #2285 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for features
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:50 Feature #2284 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for places
Olivia Reichl
13:50 Feature #2284 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for places
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:49 Feature #2283 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for events
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:49 Feature #2282 (In Progress): Implement a special detail view for groups
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:48 Feature #2281 (In Progress): Implement a special detail view for actors
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:40 Feature #2194 (Closed): Designing individual sites
Olivia Reichl
13:35 Feature #1892 (Closed): Network visualization
Olivia Reichl

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