h1. Ideas A collection of ideas that haven't made it into an own ticket yet. h2. Collection from first meeting * display data in table * display entities on map * display entities in single page * search functionality for entities * provide graphs for data visualization with "D3.js":https://d3js.org/ ? h2. Ideas from the first version These are ideas for the original frontend development. Feel free to process and/or remove these as you see fit. h3. Requirements * Routing for entity and map views and later probably for other visualisations per entity * API connection for data retrieval (authentication) h3. Pages/Navigation * Index page * Manual * About h3. Pages to create * Entity Detailed View ** Basic data (Name, description, classification, main type (as categorized by system type), spatial and temporal data as well as relations to other entities (for the beginning only direct ones) *** later to be extended by entity specific relations depending on the type of entity and relation * Map view (as in Thanados) for physical things/Places and their subunits * Visualisations * Search/Queries * Admin interface for customization? E.g. toggle various classes, use only selected data. h3. Comments * Index page - maybe a map with places. When clicked on a place more info shows up (e.g. popup, sidebar or similar) with a link to a "place view page". But not sure if this is approach is viable for our "general frontend template". (user:Alex) * Manual - I would suggest "Sphinx":http://www.sphinx-doc.org like used in OpenAtlas ([[uni:Sphinx_documentation]]). (user:Alex)