h1. New Site Workflow When creating a new instance for ACDH-CH cooperations, there are certain steps that need to be taken: 1. Create a new fork of the base repo: https://github.com/acdh-oeaw/OpenAtlas-Discovery with at least the branches that you want to get your version from (in most cases develop) 2. The workflow will be disabled, since it is a fork. Before re-enabling it update the `starter.yaml` the following way:

# In setup_workflow_env
# ...
image_tagged: openatlas-discovery # -> new name
registry_root: ghcr.io/acdh-oeaw/openatlas-discovery/ # -> link to the forked repo in all lower case: ghcr.io/user/repository
default_port:  # leave unchange
submodules:  # leave unchange
herokuish_base_image: # leave unchange
APP_NAME: openatlas-discovery # -> new name
# ...
3. Set up all the Enviroment Variables with their corresponding values:
KUBE_NAMESPACE # Namespace in rancher
PUBLIC_URL # Domain under which the instance should be reached
4. Re-Enable the workflow You should now be able to update and add new content with deployments to the new site.