h1. API meets Frontend 08.09.20 14:00 Participants: Bernhard Koschicek, Alexander Watzinger, Nina Brundke, Christoph Hoffmann, Stefan Eichert and special guest Smilla Location: ACDH-CH, Alte Burse, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Vienna Time: 2020-08-09, 14:00 h2. General * Welcome h2. API presentation * What are the current possibilities of the API ** https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/ctot-nondef/OpenAtlas/0.1 *** Request one entity: /api/0.1/entity/105 *** Download a JSON of one entity: /api/0.1/entity/download/105 *** Request by code: /api/0.1/code/actor *** Request by class: /api/0.1/class/E18 *** Request by latest: /api/0.1/latest/16 *** Request one or more entities: /api/0.1/query?entities[]=115&entities[]=116 *** Request one or more classes: /api/0.1/query?classes[]=E18&classes[]=E31 *** Request one or more codes: /api/0.1/query?items[]=actor&items[]=source *** Combine requests: /api/0.1/query?items[]=actor&items[]=source&classes[]=E18&classes[]=E31&entities[]=115&entities[]=116 ** Parameter *** Sort and Sort by Column *** Limit *** Filtering *** Show/Hide Types *** Pagination h2. API meets Frontend * What are the use cases * What functions do the API need ** show subunits for classes and types #1206 ** Give me the entity and all linked entities ** Give me the entity and all subunits of this entity ** Give me the entity and all super types of this entity ** Give me a place and all actors linked to that place through events (could be also more specific if needed) * How to display these queries? * Discussion of other JSON output standards Outcome: * Path with /api/0.1/node=23422 (show this type and every entity connected to it) * Path with /api/0.1/top_node=2145154 (show every entity which is connected to this type and every sub type of this) * ?count gives you only a count of the result, without any other results. Make own query/function h2. Bernhard's Roadmap # Develop custom queries, that are discussed today # -Include URLs to pagination- (is not needed) # Introduce new JSON schemas for other entities # Optimize performance h2. Finishing * Discuss other OpenAtlas or THANADOS topics h2. Conclusion After we discussed the excellent presented and extensive recent development we decided to switch to a more practical approach. Christoph and Stefan will write issues for the API to satisfy their needs for presentation sites so that we can see and test the API in action.