h1. Linked Places Format %{color:red}Not up to date!% h2. @context (required) Contains the mappings for linked ontologies. We use the "Linked Places ":https://github.com/LinkedPasts/linked-places mappings found in http://linkedpasts.org/assets/linkedplaces-context-v1.jsonld e.g. "@context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinkedPasts/linked-places/master/linkedplaces-context-v1.jsonld" h2. type (required) The type of each output is "FeatureCollection", according to "GeoJSON-LD":http://geojson.org/geojson-ld/ , containing one or more Feature objects. h2. feature[] (required) Feature is a list, which can hold one or many feature objects. Each object can contain following elements: h3. @id (required) This is a unique and permanent URI pointing to the entity in the OpenAtlas instance.

"@id": "http://thanados.openatlas.eu/entity/50505"
h3. crmClass (required) Show CIDOC CRM class code and name based on the "Erlangen CRM":http://erlangen-crm.org/documentation

"crmClass": "crm:E18_Physical_Thing"
h3. type (required) The value for type is "feature" to state, that the object is a feature. h3. properties{} (required) The property element holds one key:value pair, because of the GeoJSON requirement. The key is *title*, which is the preferred name label of the entity. In the OA form it is called [[Form field name]].

            "title":"Gars Thunau Obere Holzwiese"
h3. when{} When is the temporally scope of the represented feature. OpenAtlas only supports dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format, so no periods or extensions for approximate and uncertain (for more details: [[form_field_dates|Date]]). Each "when" contains one *timespans[]* . A timespan can contain *start{}* and/or *end{}*. *start{}* or *end{}* hold timestamp values and the comments for the dates.

h3. names[] names is a list of [[form_field_alias|Aliases]].

               "alias":"Thunau Obere Holzwiese"
h3. types[] Represents a list of one or more [[form_field_type|types]] objects (nodes) for this feature. *Identifier* refers to the type entity of the type and *label* is the given name of the type. *Hierarchy* lists the super types in a string for the THANATOS front end. If the type is a "value type":https://redmine.craws.net/projects/uni/wiki/Form_field_type#Value-types, the *unit* and *value* is also shown.

               "hierarchy":"Evidence > Archaeology",
h3. geometry{} (required) A GeoJSON FeatureCollection must have one or more geometry elements to be valid. Therefore each entity, even if it has no geometric references has this entry:

            "geometries":[ ],
*Type* refers to geometric types according to "RFC 7946 - The GeoJSON Format":https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#page-7. *Geometries[]* is a list of none or more geometric objects. Each of these objects have the following keys: * *Type* - Refers to the geometric types. OpenAtlas supports Point, Polygon and LineString * *Title* - The given name of this geometric object * *Description* - The given description of this geometric object * *Coordinates[]* - Is a list of none or more lists with "positions":https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.1.1 of the object

                  "title":"Ōrěhovь Dolь",
                  "description":"A model of the village's boundaries.",
                  "title":"Ōrěhovь Dolь",
h3. links[] These are the links to other gazetteers. At the moment OpenAtlas support GeoNames, as described in [[Place]].

h3. relations[] Is a list of one or more entities, which are linked through the CRM to this feature. *Label* represents the name of the entity, *relationTo* contains the direct link to this entity and *relationType* shows the property code from the [[Model and concept|model]] with which the entities are linked.

h3. descriptions[] Contains the [[form_field_description|description]] of the entity.

               "value":"In the area of Obere Holzwiese 215 inhumation burials were documented in different excavations[..]"
h3. depictions[] Is a list of all linked depictions or files. *@id* links directly to the [[form_field_file|file]], *title* represents the given name and *license* contains the given license of the [[form_field_file|file]].

               "license":"CC BY-SA 4.0",
h1. Full Example

         "crmClass":"crm:E18 Physical Thing",
            "title":"Thunau Obere Holzwiese"
               "value":"In the area of Obere Holzwiese 215 inhumation burials were documented in different excavations. The cemetery ranges from the (later) 8th c. to the (early) 10th c.\r\n##German\r\n215 Bestattungen wurden im Bereich der Oberen Holzwiese dokumentiert; im NW-Areal wird eine Holzkirche vermutet, die wohl bereits in der ersten Hälfte des 9. Jahrhunderts vorhanden war."
               "label":"Inhumation Cemetery",
               "hierarchy":"Place > Burial Site > Cemetery",
               "hierarchy":"Evidence > Archaeology",
               "relationType":"crm:P46 is composed of",
               "relationType":"crm:P2 has type",
               "label":"Inhumation Cemetery",
               "relationType":"crm:P2 has type",
               "label":"Location of Thunau Obere Holzwiese",
               "relationType":"crm:P53 has former or current location",
               "label":"Obere Holzwiese",
               "relationType":"crm:P1 is identified by",
               "relationType":"crm:P67i is referred to by",
               "relationType":"crm:P67i is referred to by",
               "relationDescription":"Website EPub",
               "relationType":"crm:P67i is referred to by",
               "relationDescription":"Nowotny 2018 EPub",
               "relationType":"crm:P67i is referred to by",
               "alias":"Obere Holzwiese"