h1. CONNEC Meeting 2021-12-09 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color%. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. h2. Participants * *OpenAtlas*: Alexander Watzinger, Christoph Hoffmann * *CONNEC*: Alice Hicklin, David Natal, Rebecca Grose, Victoria Leonard This meeting is about the presentation site for CONNEC data: https://frontend-connec.openatlas.eu/ h2. Topics h3. Case study hierarchy * We need to clean them up so that we can use this custom type to use in a flexible way (to adapt later) for the presentation site %{color:green}We will present the entire case study tree with the exemption of *Not for display* 13465 and anything connected to it, this will enable the CONNEC team to dynamically add (and remove) entry points to the data% %{color:green} as discussed this will only define the data entry points, all data will be visible in list views and search results% h3. Letter exchange events * How are they related to sub events e.g. https://connec.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/7844#tab-info to https://connec.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8085 - they have different locations and times * %{color:green} Links to super events will be transformed to links to the corresponding source of the super event% h3. %{color:green}How to proceed% * %{color:green}We will meet again at 13th January 2022 to look at and discuss the new version of the presentation site% * %{color:green}The CONNEC team will adjust the case study entries and transform areas drawn with the line tool to polygons% * %{color:green}The OpenAtlas team will continue development on the presentation site and look into writing a script to transform sub event links to source links (#1617)%