h1. CONNEC meeting 2022-04-19 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color%. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. h2. Participants * *OpenAtlas*: Andreas Olschnögger, Alexander Watzinger, Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz * *CONNEC*: Alice Hicklin, Rebecca Grose, Victoria Leonard This meeting will be about the presentation site for CONNEC, a prototype is available here: https://discover-connec.openatlas.eu/ %{color:green}Introduction of Andi% h2. New development * Case studies are selected dynamically from the case study types, except "Not for presentation" * A footer with ** About This Site: text below can be configured in OpenAtlas admin/content/Intro for frontend ** Where to Find Us: information was taken from the CONNEC project site ** Contact: text below can be configured in the OpenAtlas admin/content/Contact for frontend * An imprint, linked on bottom of page, text configurable in OpenAtlas admin/content/Legal notice for frontend * First basic detail views if you click on nodes on the map * Display the CONNEC logo on top left h2. To review * Performance: we did quite some improvement in the API already but will try to make it faster * Content and layout of ** Start page ** Detail views h2. Questions * %{color:green}Rebecca: Will it be possible to show more information about the case study. Technically possible. Two possible methods:% # %{color:green}Description in the type fields. CONNEC team can change it, but it cannot be formatted nicely% # %{color:green}CONNEC team provides well formatted text, but it only can be changed in the code% * %{color:green}Victoria: We need an information site, what is on the site, what is the project about and especially how to use discover-connec. Alex suggested the _intro for frontend_ feature in the admin page of OpenAtlas to add an introduction for the project -> #1695% * %{color:green}Alice: A simple teaser or information about the case study with a view more button. Alex: At type description, the first sentence should have a line break, then it can be displayed as teaser. The rest text will be displayed in "view more". The "view more" page should also contain a map with the entities of the case study. CONNEC team will provide a sketch of "view more" content% * %{color:green}Andi:% ** %{color:green}Andi showed a new design, where the menu is inside the map% ** %{color:green}If super case study is unchecked, every subtype is unchecked and the other way round -> #1694% ** %{color:green}Add description, but CONNEC team will provide a list, what they want in the detail view of an event/actor/place.% ** %{color:green}It was decided, that everything should be shown on the start page and we will continue to look into performance -> #1655% h2. How to proceed %{color:green}While the OpenAtlas team continues to work on performance and changes discussed today the CONNEC team will work on a specification for the final design and provide detailed information, ideally with visual drafts about:% * %{color:green}Start page (intro area with e.g. a link to the CONNEC site, links or small boxes for case studies, map, ...)% * %{color:green}Case study sub sites (title, description (taken from backend), maybe a map showing only information regarding the case study, ..% * %{color:green}Detail view: what information to display and where, e.g. dates, descriptions, ...% * %{color:green}Any static site and where they should be linked, e.g. a page describing how to use the presentation site%