h1. OpenAtlasDiscovery Meeting 2022-10-19 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color%. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. h2. About The meeting will be about the (re)start of the general presentation site [[OpenAtlas Discovery:]] which makes date entered into OpenAtlas accessible for a greater audience. The focus will be on used technologies. Location: Bäckerstraße 13, Room 2051 (smaller meeting room at the start of the hallway) is reserved for us from 13.00 to 15.00 h2. Participants * Andreas Olschnögger * Alexander Watzinger * Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz * Christoph Hoffmann * Moritz Großfurtner h2. General * Name: "OpenAtlasDiscovery", "OpenAtlas Discovery" or "OpenAtlas-Discovery"? ** %{color:green}New project name: *OpenAtlas Discovery*% ** %{color:green}New repository Name: *OpenAtlas-Discovery*% * Hosting with Kubernetes at the ACDH-CH? ** %{color:green}ACDH-CH instances on Kubernetes should be linked to the ACDH-CH repository% ** %{color:green}But it should also be possible to install without Kubernetes, e.g. an install guide for self hosting should be provided.% h2. Technologies * "Nuxt3 RC":https://v3.nuxtjs.org/community/roadmap ** Composition API vs Options API %{color:green}-> composition% ** Language: Typescript * UI: "Vuetify Beta":https://next.vuetifyjs.com/en/introduction/roadmap/ %{color:green}-> We will try using it, if any major issues come up, we'll consider switching to a different framework.% * Store: "Pinia":https://pinia.vuejs.org/ * Content: "Content v2":https://content.nuxtjs.org/ %{color:green}-> To be discussed: where will the content be hosted/pulled from, options would be:% ** %{color:green}It's own repository% ** %{color:green}Individual branches% ** %{color:green}Hosted externally% ** %{color:green}Configured in OpenAtlas backend% * API: -"Swagger":https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-node#readme- / "SwaggerJS?":https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-js * API: using linked.art (#1770) %{color:green}-> Will be considered once it is worked out in the backend% * SSG: "Gridsome":https://gridsome.org/docs/data-layer/ or "nuxt generate":https://nuxtjs.org/announcements/going-full-static/ %{color:green}-> Will be discuss further upon making the first OpenAtlas frontend static% * Testing with assertions, coverage, ...: "nuxt testing":https://v3.nuxtjs.org/getting-started/testing/ with "Vitest":https://vitest.dev/ * Data Visualization: "D3.js":https://d3js.org/ * %{color:green}For localization:% "i18n":https://www.npmjs.com/package/i18n %{color:green} ?% h2. Components * Map as separate component? -> %{color:green}Maybe% * %{color:green} Configuration of Components to be discussed. (config.json, feed it to Kubernetes through Environment Variables, ...)% h2. Collecting features and ideas: * Display data in table * Display entities on map * Display entities in single page * Search functionality for entities * Provide graphs for data visualization with "D3.js":https://d3js.org/ ? h2. How to proceed * %{color:green}A new Redmine sub project and new repositories will be set up% * %{color:green}First milestone will be a very basic prototype with the new technologies and e.g. testing and I18N support% * %{color:green}To demonstrate the prototype we could use the OpenAtlas demo-dev instance%