h1. Approaching Byzantium meeting 2024-04-10 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color%. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. The meeting will be about the presentation site for Approaching Byzantium: https://approaching-byzantium.openatlas.eu/. h2. Participants * *OpenAtlas*: Alexander Watzinger, Olivia Reichl * *Approaching Byzantium*: Nicholas Melvani h2. Topics * Accounting is ok ✅ * Showing new content functions (e.g. team site) ✅ * #2127 Linking artifacts with other artifacts %{color:green}-> Although possible in general, it won't fit in before summer% h2. Topics raised in the meeting * Dark mode logo for the presentation site -> %{color:green}Alex will take care of this, see #2250% * Displaying connected events on the map, e.g. journeys -> %{color:green}Nicholas kindly will create an issue for this% * How to proceed %{color:green}-> Either Olivia will inform about new development or Nicholas will contact us with new question and/or design ideas, which ever comes first%