Feature #1542
Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz about 1 year ago
We will try to adapt and implement OpenAtlas with Kubernetes at the ACDH-CH.
Demo Version: https://openatlas-demo.acdh-ch-dev.oeaw.ac.at
(no daily recreation of the database)
h3. To do (random order and non-exhaustive)
* Migrate projects
** Import files
* Backup Services
** daily, weekly, quarterly database
** file backup
* Deployment on Rancher
** Workable demo version
** Test with multiple versions
** Daily recreation of the database
* Apache access/error log as stdout
** "Multiple Logs":https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/logs.html#:~:text=Multiple%20access%20logs%20can%20be,contain%20referer%20and%20browser%20information.
** "JSON format example":https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39592834/how-to-make-apache-output-its-logs-in-json-instead-of-its-default-logging-format
** additional storage for converted files