


Feature #2200

Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz 7 months ago

For OpenAtlas Discovery we decided to make a new format out of Linked Places so we can experiment and test it without breaking the original format. In the end of this process, this format will most likely replace the current LPF. All changes are always in the current develop branch and I will not keep track, which change made it to the current main branch.   
 Please feel free to add to-dos.  

 *To do*: 
 * Adapt type -> hierarchy to ordered list[dict[id, list[dict[idx, label]]   

 * Added @relations.relationTypeLabel@ to have the property label without property code and the right @locale@ (@?locale=[en, de, ca, es, fr]@) if available. 
 * Changed @relations.relationType@ to the correct reference with @_@, eg. @crm:P2_has_type@
