


Feature #2035

Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz 4 months ago

OpenAtlas has an API, where data can be exported in different formats (RDF/XML, Turtle, n3, etc.) except from JSON. These formats are automatically created from the Linked Places Format (JSON) and are not tested against completeness and the "5-star deployment scheme":  
 Since the FAIR principles are very important for OpenAtlas, we should work on an appropriate interface for exporting the data as RDF in the sense of the Linked Open Data paradigm. 

 *To do:* 
 * Talk with specialists at the ACDH-CH 
 * Look into SPARQL ( 
 * RDF export 
 ** From Linked Open Arts 
 ** Create them manually 
 * How to test if it fits semantic web 
