


Feature #1516

Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz over 3 years ago

We shortly talked about it initially but never made it explicit, however for ease of use in consuming applications I propose to use the "Google JSON Style": for the API output. 

 This specifically concerns the    "Property Naming": which is a precondition to implement the linting/naming conventions in the current project:openatlas-frontend implementation. 

 *Changed properties:* 

 * type_tree -> typeTree 

 * legal-notice -> legalNotice 
 * site-name -> siteName 

 * system_class -> systemClass 
 * node_entities -> nodeEntities 
 * node_entities_all -> nodeEntitiesAll 
 * subunit_hierarchy -> subunitHierarchy 

 *Linked Place output* 
 * reference_system -> referenceSystem 
 * system_class -> systemClass 

 *Everything with pagination and results* 
 * result -> results 
 * start_id -> startID 
 * entity_per_page -> entitiesPerPage 
 * total_pages -> totalPages 
