


Feature #1595

Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz about 2 years ago

API output for Ariadne. 
 Maybe they need it in Open Archive format:, but they are not so sure either. However, the format should be XML.  

 Ariadne requires each entity in a single XML tag. How these tags are called are not significant for them, as long as they are clear.  

 Stefan and Bernhard decided to an abstraction from the Thanados GeoJSON format, which will then transformed into XML. (#1603) 

 Endpoint: /api/0.3/subunits/<id> (has to be a place ID)  
 Parameters: _count_    <bool>, _download_    <bool>, _format_    <xml> 
 Result: List of the place with all its subunits. The format is based on the Thanados GeoJSON standard.
