


Administration #1830

Updated by Christoph Hoffmann about 2 years ago

Andi will organize ordering new t-shirts: white with a stitched OpenAtlas logo. 
 Team members will get one for free but can order more, non team members can order too. One will cost about 20,- € to 25,- €. 

 *To do/questions:* 
 * Will they be unisex or male/female sizes? %{color:green}They are unisex%  
 * Is there long fit? %{color:green}It would be possible but Lukas told me that they are of somewhat poorer quality.%  


 * Bernhard 
 ** 2 XXL (male, long fit) *or* 2 XXXL (male) 
 * Alex 
 ** 2 XXL (male) 
 ** 1 XL (male) 
 ** 2 L (male) - for Laura, Klaus 
 ** 1 M (male) - for Jan 
 * Nina 
 ** 1 M (female) **or** 1 S (male) 
 * Silvia 
 ** 1 S (female) 
 ** 1 M (male) - for Moisés 
 * Veronika 
 ** 1 M (female) 
 * Christoph 
 ** 1 L (male) 
 ** 1 M (female) 

 Please edit this issue if you want to order.  
