Feature #1848
Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz almost 2 years ago
For the INDIGO project, project we will import data from ARCHE to OpenAtlas. *Update* Base functionality is implemented. It is possible to fetch metadata from ARCHE and import it to OpenAtlas. The feature is still experimental and will be further expanded (e.g. Creation event to track photographers) and generalized in the near future. h1. CIDOC mapping (in progress) More information available at [[ARCHE import]] !{width:600px}ARCHE_import_OpenAtlas.jpg! h1. INDIGO test collection (ARCHE) A test collection with data provided by Geert Verhoeven and Benjamin Wild was imported into the "staging instance":https://arche-curation.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at of ARCHE, hosted on Minerva. The test collection has identifier https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/indigo_test, which automatically resolves to the page with the details of the collection on ARCHE staging (i.e., https://arche-curation.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/browser/oeaw_detail/1390136). h2. Collection arrangement The main collection *INDIGO Test Collection* is what is called in ARCHE a *Top Collection*, the main folder that contains all the data related to the collection: https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/indigo_test. This contains two *Collections*, i.e. two "sub-folders", which correspond to the two batches of data sent by Benjamin and Geert: # *Large Ortophotos* (https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/indigo_test/large_orthos) Four large TIFF files sent by Benjamin Wild, with sizes ranging from 270 MB to 4 GB. # *Test Photos* (https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/indigo_test/test_photos) Eight test photos sent by Geert Verhoeven, including two color checkers, in different formats and with accompanying metadata files. Each file contained in these Collections is called a *Resource* in the ARCHE ontology. h2. Test Photos I would suggest to start working with the *Test Photos* collection, since it is now the most complete with different formats and metadata. More precisely, each picture was provided by Geert in both *JPG* and *NEF* format (Nikon proprietary RAW format) and is accompanied by an *XMP sidecar file*, containing metadata to the picture. More information about the different metadata formats can be found in Geert's "info document":https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cFZLY2I8HV9FE9s18v883R3vboTQu6gp/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=103619898417018108798&rtpof=true&sd=true. In addition, each picture was processed by means of "ExifTool":https://exiftool.org. All the metadata contained in the JPG file, NEF file, and XMP file were combined into one single JSON file, where each line contains a specific property with a tag identifying its metadata schema. For example: @"IPTC:Sub-location": "Donaukanal"@. These metadata files are identified by the suffix @_metadata@. When specific metadata properties coming from different files (JPG, NEF, XMP) did not have the same value in each of the sources, they were moved to a different metadata file, identified by the suffix @_not_unique_values@. Each of these metadata files is of class *Metadata* in the ARCHE ontology, and it is linked to the original file through property @acdh:isMetadataFor@. You can see the relationship in the GUI too, by viewing the Details page of a metadata file (e.g., https://arche-curation.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/browser/oeaw_detail/1390181): !{width:800px}GUI_isMetadataFor.png! Otherwise, if you view the Details of the original file (e.g., https://arche-curation.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/browser/oeaw_detail/1390166), you can find the info by switching to the *Expert-View* (which is in general very useful for viewing more metadata about a resource): !{width:800px}GUI_ExpertView.png! and then scrolling to the *Inverse Data* section: !{width:800px}GUI_InverseData.png! Therefore, given @INDIGO_2022-07-22_Z7II-A_0007@ as name of one picture, in the *Test Photos* collection you can find five different resources about this picture: # @INDIGO_2022-07-22_Z7II-A_0007.jpg@ # @INDIGO_2022-07-22_Z7II-A_0007.nef@ # @INDIGO_2022-07-22_Z7II-A_0007.xmp@ # @INDIGO_2022-07-22_Z7II-A_0007_metadata.json@ # @INDIGO_2022-07-22_Z7II-A_0007_not_unique_values.json@