API 0.4 (draft)¶
Entities Endpoint¶
- /entities/ -> List of all possible next entities paths
- /entities/id/ -> List of Links from all possible entities
- /entities/id/4124 -> Entities by ID, should be possible to add multiple IDs
- /entities/cidoc_code/ -> List of URLs for all cidoc codes
- /entities/cidoc_code/E18 -> Entities with cidoc code E18
- /entities/system_class/ -> List of URLs for all system class codes
- /entities/system_class/person -> List of all entities with system_class person
- /entities/view_name/ -> List of URLs for all view_names
- /entities/view_name/actor -> List of all entities of actors
- /entities/type -> List of URLs of possible types
- /entities/type/24124 -> List of all entities with the type 24124
- /entities/entity/ -> List of URLs for all entities
- /entities/entity/4124 -> List of entities linked to entity
- /entities/latest/ -> List of possible limit range (10/20/25/30/50/75/100)
- /entities/latest/85 -> List of latest 85 entities
/api/0.3/query will be deleted, the idea is, that all endpoints behind the resource entities can be stacked behind with additional parameter, e.g.:
If this is not possible in any form, query would come back.
Meta endpoints¶
- /meta/ -> List of all possible next meta paths
- /meta/content/ -> List of URLs
- /meta/content/de -> Content in de
- /meta/class_mapping/ -> List of Class Mapping
- /meta/system_class_count/ -> List of system class and how many exist
Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz almost 3 years ago · 1 revisions