




The API basically can be accessed through two methods: Either from the user interface of an OpenAtlas application or, if the settings will allow it, from another application.

Please also refer to the SwaggerHub documentation:

Entity/Entities Endpoints

These endpoints can provide full information about one or more entities. The output format is the Linked Place Format(LPF). Alternativly there is a simple GeoJSON format and multiple RDFs, derived from the LPF, available.

/api/entity/{id} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a representations of an entity through the ID.

/api/class/{cidoc_class_code} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a json with a list of entities based on their CIDOC CRM class code. The outpout contains a results and pagination key. All in OpenAtlas available codes can be found under OpenAtlas and CIDOC CRM class mapping. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

/api/code/{view_name} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a json with a list of entities based on their OpenAtlas view name. Available categories can be found at OpenAtlas and CIDOC CRM class mapping. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

/api/system_class/{system_class} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a json with a list of entities based on their OpenAtlas system class. Available categories can be found at OpenAtlas and CIDOC CRM class mapping. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

/api/query/ 0.2 / 0.3

With the query endpoint, one can combine the three endpoints above in a single query. Each request has to be a new parameter. Possible parameters are:

  • ?entities={id}
  • ?classes={cidoc_class_code}
  • ?codes={view_name}
  • ?system_classes={system_class}

For more details of the different queries please consult the associated section. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

/api/latest/{1-100} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves the latest entries made in the OpenAtlas database. The number represents the amount of entities retrieved. /latest can be any number between and including 1 and 100.

/api/entities_linked_to_entity/{id} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a list of entities, which are linked to the entity with the given id. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

/api/type_entities/{id} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a list of entities based on their OpenAtlas type. A possible id can be obtained for example by the type_tree or node_overview endpoint. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

/api/type_entities_all/{id} 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a list of entities based on their OpenAtlas type. This also includes all entities, which are connected to an subtype. A possible id can be obtained for example by the type_tree or node_overview endpoint. The result can be filtered, ordered and manipulated through different parameters. By default results are orderd alphabetically and 20 entities are shown.

Nodes Endpoints

/api/node_entities/{id} 0.2

Retrieves a JSON list of entities names, IDs and URLs, based on their OpenAtlas type. Be aware that "Historical Place" and "Administrative Units" cannot be retrieved by this.

/api/node_entities_all/{id} 0.2

Retrieves a JSON list of entities names, IDs and URLs, based on their OpenAtlas type. This also includes all subtypes of the given type id. Be aware that "Historical Place" and "Administrative Units" cannot be retrieved by this.

/api/subunit/{id} 0.2

Retrieves a JSON list of entities names, IDs and URLs, from the first layer of subunits from the given entity ID.

/api/subunit_hierarchy/{id} 0.2

Retrieves a JSON list of entities names, IDs and URLs, of all subunits from the given entity ID.

/api/type_tree/ 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a detailed JSONlist of all OpenAtlas types. This includes also includes a list of childrens of a type

/api/node_overview/ 0.2

Retrieves a JSON list of all OpenAtlas types sorted by custom, places, standard and value.

/api/type_overview/ 0.3

Retrieves a JSON list of all OpenAtlas types sorted by custom, places, standard and value. This is just a rename from node_overview/

Subunit Endpoints

/api/0.3/subunits/{id} 0.3

Takes only a valid place (E18) ID. Retrieves a list of the given place and all of its subunits. This endpoint provides a special Thanados Format. With the format=xml parameter, an XML can be created,

Content Endpoints

/api/classes 0.2 / 0.3

Provides a list of all available system classes, their CIDOC CRM mapping, which view they belong, which icon is used and the English name

/api/content 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a json of the content (Intro, Legal Notice, Contact and the size for processed images) from the OpenAtlas instance. The language can be chosen with the lang parameter (en or de).

/api/geometric_entities/ 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a list of all selected geometries in the database in a standard GeoJSON format. This endpoint should be used for map overviews.

/api/system_class_count/ 0.2 / 0.3

Retrieves a list of how many entities, a system class has.

Image Endpoint

/api/display/{id} 0.2 / 0.3

Provides the image of the requested ID. Be aware, the image will only be displayed if:

  • Request comes from a logged-in user
  • API public setting is set on AND the image has a Licence

Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz about 3 years ago · 5 revisions

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