

Jona Schlegel

  • Login: Jona.S
  • Registered on: 2021-10-04
  • Last connection: 2024-01-11


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4


Project Roles Registered on
OpenAtlas Reporter 2021-10-04
OpenAtlas Discovery Reporter 2022-10-19
OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Reporter 2021-10-04



17:46 OpenAtlas Feature #1987: API: Add centroid points of geometries
> should the point replace the polygon entry or should it be additionally
I would make it additionally.
> should ...
Jona Schlegel


16:36 OpenAtlas Feature #1988 (Closed): API: Depiction URL without extension
It would be great to have the url in the system_class/artifact depictions without the *.png ending as this is not nee... Jona Schlegel
16:32 OpenAtlas Feature #1987 (Closed): API: Add centroid points of geometries
It would be great to also have the centroid points of the artifacts that have a polygon or line location also availab... Jona Schlegel


16:28 OpenAtlas Feature #1047: Enter WKT geometries
This would also be interesting for INDIGO to import our sections, which we created in GIS. Jona Schlegel


14:57 OpenAtlas Feature #1648: Relative Chronological/Spatial relation between two artifacts
Hi Stefan,
I would like to focus on the spatial relation first rather than the temporal relation to achieve a strati...
Jona Schlegel


16:41 OpenAtlas Feature #1648 (Acknowledged): Relative Chronological/Spatial relation between two artifacts
This would allow us to say that one graffito (artifact) was created above another graffito (artifact). Jona Schlegel
15:27 OpenAtlas Feature #1647 (Closed): Composition of artifacts and human remains
This would allow us to describe different parts of a graffito.
* Artifacts can now have other ar...
Jona Schlegel

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