

Moritz Großfurtner

  • Login: mgrossfurtner
  • Registered on: 2022-10-05
  • Last connection: 2024-04-22


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 30 30
Reported issues 2 26 28


Project Roles Registered on
OpenAtlas Reporter 2024-07-09
OpenAtlas Discovery Reporter 2024-07-09
OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Reporter 2024-07-09



11:39 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2267 (Closed): Add localization "Dictionary" for the different properties/relationTypes
Moritz Großfurtner
11:38 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2281 (Closed): Implement a special detail view for actors
Moritz Großfurtner
11:38 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2282 (Closed): Implement a special detail view for groups
Moritz Großfurtner


13:19 OpenAtlas Discovery Administration #2301 (Acknowledged): Monitor Uptime
If any presentation site isn't working we should automatically be notified to be able to remedy any issues quickly.
Moritz Großfurtner


11:47 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2268 (Closed): Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Implemented it just now! Moritz Großfurtner


10:21 OpenAtlas Feature #2273 (Closed): API: Endpoint to retrieve all available CIDOC properties
We need an endpoint to get all available CIDOC properties for better type safety in the frontend. Moritz Großfurtner


16:46 OpenAtlas Wiki edit: Meeting_2024-04-30 (#9)
Moritz Großfurtner
16:39 OpenAtlas Wiki edit: Meeting_2024-04-30 (#8)
Moritz Großfurtner
16:43 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2268 (Closed): Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Moritz Großfurtner
16:42 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2267 (Closed): Add localization "Dictionary" for the different properties/relationTypes
To properly display the different relationTypes we need a way to properly label than. It would also make sense to be ... Moritz Großfurtner

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