


Gosia Lenko's activity

From 2022-10-23 to 2022-11-21


23:02 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1809: Order of displaying information - artifacts connected with places
Dear Andreas,
thank you for the super quick implementation. I think the expandable chip view indeed looks better.
Gosia Lenko
22:46 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1796: Improved search
Dear Andreas,
I was using Safari 14.1.2, but it works perfectly with Chrome so I can just use that. Just good to kno...
Gosia Lenko


17:29 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1796: Improved search
Alexander Watzinger wrote:
> Dear Goisa,
> I'm not directly involved in the site development and also wasn't ab...
Gosia Lenko
13:56 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1796: Improved search
Dear all,
I was able to work with the frontend quite well 10 days ago. Now I am not able search (therefore cannot re...
Gosia Lenko
17:26 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1809: Order of displaying information - artifacts connected with places
Dear all!
I just noticed one additional issue re: displaying information which wasn’t visible before. Now, that we...
Gosia Lenko
12:50 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1810: Toolbar with categories of material cultures
Dear all,
sorry for being very slow with this ticket. We had to clarify some internal issues.
The toolbar shoul...
Gosia Lenko

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