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# Project Tracker Status Subject Assignee Category Target version Start date Updated
2349 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Stronger hints that notes are not part of the model UI OpenAtlas - 8.8.0 2024-09-17 2024-09-18 15:20 Actions
2344 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Replace python-flasgger API OpenAtlas - 9.0.0 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 13:44 Actions
2343 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Update Debian to 13 (Trixie) Backend OpenAtlas - 9.0.0 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 13:27 Actions
2342 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Acknowledged Export data functions OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 14:42 Actions
2333 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Assigned Show version number in footer Olivia Reichl OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-08-12 2024-08-12 13:52 Actions
2329 OpenAtlas Feature Assigned Additional UI translations Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz UI OpenAtlas - 8.8.0 2024-07-18 2024-09-02 14:23 Actions
2323 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Improved start page UI OpenAtlas - 8.9.0 2024-07-09 2024-07-18 16:14 Actions
2319 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged OpenAtlas and APIS interface Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz API OpenAtlas - 8.9.0 2024-06-27 2024-09-02 16:48 Actions
2315 OpenAtlas Question In Progress API: Unable to distinguish between end and start locations of a move entity Olivia Reichl API 2024-06-17 2024-06-19 13:49 Actions
2311 OpenAtlas Administration In Progress T-shirts Nina Richards Administration OpenAtlas - 8.8.0 2024-06-12 2024-09-18 15:20 Actions
2301 OpenAtlas Discovery Administration Acknowledged Monitor Uptime 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 13:19 Actions
2300 OpenAtlas Feature Assigned Load form tables dynamically Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz UI OpenAtlas - 8.8.0 2024-06-04 2024-09-12 13:45 Actions
2295 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Assigned Show additional file information Olivia Reichl OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-05-22 2024-06-14 07:40 Actions
2293 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Dynamic type forms Backend OpenAtlas - Wishlist 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 14:40 Actions
2292 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Ordering type in forms Backend OpenAtlas - Wishlist 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 14:39 Actions
2291 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Structuring places OpenAtlas - Wishlist 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 14:40 Actions
2290 OpenAtlas Feature Acknowledged Include API OpenAtlas - Wishlist 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 14:40 Actions
2287 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Acknowledged Implement a special detail view for sources / translations OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 13:53 Actions
2286 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Acknowledged Implement a special detail view for human remains / artifacts OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 13:52 Actions
2285 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Acknowledged Implement a special detail view for features OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 13:51 Actions
2284 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Acknowledged Implement a special detail view for places OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 13:50 Actions
2283 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Acknowledged Implement a special detail view for events OpenAtlas Discovery - 1.0.0 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 13:49 Actions
2282 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature In Progress Implement a special detail view for groups Olivia Reichl OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.7.0 2024-05-16 2024-07-15 14:45 Actions
2281 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature In Progress Implement a special detail view for actors Olivia Reichl OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.7.0 2024-05-16 2024-07-15 14:44 Actions
2276 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature New Relief on map 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 15:55 Actions
(1-25/70) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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