Feature #1350
closedAPI: Pagination in an extra array
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Right now the pagination values are in the same array as the results. Add a new array so the first array contains the results and the pagination values are in the second array.
"value":"This house was bought by Baron Mihajlo Nikolić de Rudna (1841-1916), a landowner and house owner in Vienna. The building still exists."
"title":"Baron Mihailo Nikolić de Rudna bought the house in Belvederegasse"
"label":"Change of Property",
"label":"Location of House of Baron Mihajlo Nikolić de Rudna",
"label":"Nikolić de Rudna Mihajlo (1841-1916)",
"label":"Change of Property"
Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 4 years ago
- Subject changed from API: Pagination should be in an extra array to API: Pagination in an extra array
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.0.0 to 5.6.0