


Feature #2129

Updated by Alexander Watzinger 4 months ago

We Like discussed in yesterdays developer meeting we will add a more standard way to add information about file attribution. 
 Beside We will take care of other considerations one aim is related issues first but feel free to provide a way to easily maintain information to decided which files are available for public sharing. 

 This is a longer ongoing discussion but latest variant is that files are only shared with the public (e.g. presentation sites or archiving) if: 
 * A license is set 
 * The *public* flag is set 

 In the end already add ideas about it is the responsibility of the project leads to decide when all requirements are full filled to set a file for public sharing. 
 E.g. a CC-BY 4.0 license would require that the creator is named/acknowledged. here. 

 Additional fields will be: *Ideas* 
 * Public (to indicate if this file is meant and/or allowed for public sharing)  
 * Creator (of the file) 
 * License holder (of the file license) 

 This information will be saved in an extra table (file_info) in the model schema.  
