Feature #403
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 9 years ago
*To do discuss* - E18/E19 => for now E18 - type => see type examples - how to determine if E18/E19 is a site, with the types above? - invalid link for alternative names E18/E19 – P131 – E82 - point, linestring, polygon: required fields? entity_id not unique? - what to write into srid_epsg, 4326? *To do* - type => see type examples - show only E18 with type site (or subtype) in list - gis fields - quality - place as actor residence - place as actor appearance first/last - situated within - period - evidence - type for places - alternative name - validation (zend/jquery) - if update, update name of location - if delete, delete location (see refactor) FYI: Added some Wiki sections on physical things/places (some ideas and brainstorming, still to be modified and still work in progress) http://redmine.craws.net/projects/uni/wiki/Graphical_User_Interface#Physical-Things-Sites-Features-Stratigraphical-Units-and-Finds