Feature #397
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 9 years ago
*To do* - bug: disable 2nd submit (e.g. if slow internet connection) - bug: if an validation error occurs at a tabel_select_input the field input is not updated after an tables select (only after clicking it again) - refactor and check css - types: blue buttons for type ajax forms, tables for linked entities - maps in tabs: no search and remove blue from links - table select: if empty dont show table header and instead no data available - search layout - adapt themes *Done* - bug: at references/bibliography insert and continue reported by Petra - bug: hide zend form errors if search is used and user is not logged in anymore - bug: form caption of textarea is on bottom instead on top e.g. at add text to source (solved with label above textarea) - bug: breadcrumb reference when comming from an entity is broken (reference goes to reference view instead entity) e.g. Event > asdfsadf > edition > Edit - smaller logo for dpp - remove background from empty table header fields und set to nosort - refactore tablesorter with js into one template - add fields, padding in 2nd + is to small (was a missing space) - table select: if empty dont show table header and instead no data available