Feature #574
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 8 years ago
[[Spatial Whitepaper]] of features. *To do* - look into array problem in drawshape.js - multiple points - multiple polygons - type json: get name of object instead of place - count json: solve quote problem for coordinate - centerpoint translations for polygons info - look into polygons.php - translations - parameterize querys - try transaction - search to do - new structure dump - remove old coordinate code (and db functions?) - import old points and add sql to update info - geojson format: define one instead of two, at the moment coordinates only work without quotes *geojson - geojson for objects* all objects <pre> { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "geometry":{ "type": "Point/Polygon", "coordinates": [12.0094131678343,47.864675435946] }, "properties": { "title": "ObjectName", "objectDescription": "ObjectDescription", "objectDescription":"ObjectDescription", "marker-color": "#fc4353", "siteType": "ObjectType", "objectId": "134", "count": "3", "id": "1233", "shapeType": "centerpoint/polygoncenter", "shapeType":"centerpoint/polygoncenter", "name": "Prague Version 2", "description": "a descriptive description" "blabalbalbalbalb" } }, { "type": "Feature" .... </pre>