


Feature #928

Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 5 years ago

Option to link places to GeoNames identifier. 

 h2. Features 

 * Input field to enter/edit a GeoNames id in the place form 
 * Search for GeoNames entries and show on map (already implemented in a basic way) 
 * Select a hit from GeoNames to fill the GeoNames id field 
 * Select a hit from GeoNames to add a point geometry (default title/description like: "Taken from GeoNames" but otherwise like a manually added point) 
 * Advanced options for search (e.g. select categories, fuzzy or not, ..) 

 h2. Model 

 * E31 (Reference) -> P67 (refers to) -> E18 (Physical Object) 
 * = code (e.g. 2643743) 
 * entity.system type = 'external reference GeoNames' 
 * When shown as link: label = 'GeoNames (2643743)', URL = 

 * Differentiation between close and exact matches with a new system_type 

 h2. Development 

 In development two branches will be used: *feature_geonames_frontend* and *feature_geonames_backend* 

