Feature #1232
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 4 years ago
An API needs a good Error/Exception Handling. Implemented error codes: 400: The request Here is invalid. The body or parameters are wrong. 401: You failed to authenticate with the server. 403: You don't have the permission to access the requested resource. Please authenticate with the server, either through login via the user interface ticket for your wishes or token based authentication. 404: Something went wrong! Maybe only digits are allowed. Please check the URL 404a: The requested entity doesn't exist. Try another ID 404b: The syntax is incorrect. Only digits are allowed. For further usage, please confer the help page 404c: The syntax is incorrect. Valid codes are: actor, event, place, source, reference and object. For further usage, please confer the help page. 404d: The syntax is incorrect. These class code is not supported. For the classes please confer the model. 404e: The syntax is incorrect. Only integers between 1 and 100 are allowed. 405: The method used is not supported. Right now only GET is allowed. 500: Please notify the administrator. Sorry for the inconvenience. remarks.