


Feature #1566

Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 3 years ago

Because "Debian":, the standard installation system for OpenAtlas, released the new version 11 "bullseye": a few days ago we will look into, test and adapt OpenAtlas to the new software. 
 There is a new branch *feature_bullseye* with updated installation notes in case you want to test it: 

 * *Python* from 3.7 to *3.9* "changelog 3.8": "changelog 3.9": 
 * *Flask* from 1.0.2 to *1.1.2* "changelog":  
 * *PostgreSQL* from 11.12 to *13.3* "changelog 12":, "changelog 13": 
 * *PostGIS* from 2.5 *to 3.1* 
 * *Jinja2* from 2.10 to *2.11.3* "changelog": "changlog": 
 * new library *python3-flasgger 0.9.5* 

 To do 
 * check changelog changelogs 
 * adapt software, e.g. add flasgger for API 
 * test on laptop 
 * update locally 
 * update craws server 
 * update ACDH-CH and other external servers 
