Feature #1663
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 2 years ago
For the INDIGO project we need to import their vocabulary from ACDH-CH "Vocabs":https://vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at into their OpenAtlas instance.
For now I made a new branch *feature_indigo_vocabs* branched from *develop* (v7.2.0), adding a script which takes a json file provided by the Vocabs team.
This ticket is also for keeping track of issues we encounter.
* We can't test the links provided for Vocabs (probably because it is still on the vocabs dev instance which has a different URL and requires a login)
* OpenAtlas can link to external references (e.g. Wikidata) with SKOS match *exact* and *close* but not the used *broad*, *broader*, *related* and *narrower* matches.
* Is the link to Vocabs enough or do we want to track related information in the description field for:
** Alternative names
** Dublin Core information, e.g. for Background: http://purl.org/dc/terms/source: [{'@value': 'van Treeck 2001'}, {'@value': 'McDonald 2013'}]