


Administration #1830

Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 2 years ago

Andi will organize ordering new t-shirts: white with a stitched OpenAtlas logo. 
 Team members are invited will get one for one free but can order more, non team members can order too. 
 They will be unisex. Long fit is possible but will be somewhat lower quality. 
 One will cost about 20 20,- € to 25 € 25,- €. 

 *To do/questions:* 
 * Will they be unisex or male/female sizes? %{color:green}They are unisex%  
 * Is there long fit? %{color:green}It would be possible but Lukas told me that they are of somewhat poorer quality.%  


 * Bernhard 
 ** 2 XXL (long (male, long fit) *or* 2 XXXL (male) 
 * Alex 
 ** 2 XXL (male) 
 ** 1 XL (male) 
 ** 2 L (male) - for Laura, Klaus 
 ** 1 M (male) - for Jan 
 * Nina 
 ** 1 M (female) **or** 1 S (male) 
 * Silvia 
 ** 1 S (female) 
 ** 1 M (male) - for Moisés 
 * Veronika 
 ** 1 M (female) 
 * Christoph 
 ** 1 L (male) 
 ** 1 M 

 Please edit this issue if you want to order.  
