


Feature #1839

Updated by Moritz Großfurtner over 1 year ago

h1. The Reason 

 In the process of setting up OpenAtlas on Windows, we encountered some things that need to be done differently from Linux. Should we collect the steps, so that in case we do end up adding a Windows installation guide to the at some point, we already have a base of which to build upon. 


 h1. %{color:green} Created Documentation% 

 %{color:green} See:% [[Windows_installation|Windows Installation]] 

 h1. Collection of Important Steps (WIP) 

 h2. Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS 

 The download link for the newest PostgreSQL Version Windows installer can be found on [[]] in the first line under "Download the installer".  
 Choose the appropriate version and use the installer to install all the needed tools (@Bernhard, I'd need to ask you here again what the steps would be + I'm unsure if you need to install PostGIS separately or if it is included in the installer). 

 h2. Install ImageMagik 

 Download the newest version from [[]] and install it. 
 Important: Install the dll version, not the static one! 

 h2. SetUp with PgAdmin4 

 * Set initial Password 
 * Set DB Password 
 * Set up Initial DB 
 ** Creation: 
 *** Right click on Databases then choose Create > Database 
 *** Set name (openatlas) 
 *** Set owner to openatlas 
 *** Save 
 ** Add extensions: 
 *** Right click on created DB > Create > Extension.. 
 *** Select "postgis" 
 *** Repeat with "unaccent" 
 * (optional) Import existing Dataset  

 h2. Setup process for the tests 

 h3. Installing the required packages: 

 Run the following commands: 
 - @pip install coverage@ and @pip install nose@  


 Uncomment the lines following "# Used for testing" in "requirements.txt" then execute the following command: 
 - @pip install -r requirements.txt@ 

 For testing run: 
 @nose2 --with-coverage --coverage tests/ --coverage openatlas/ --coverage-report html --pretty-assert --verbose@ 
