Feature #1917
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 2 years ago
This issue is for improved tests and mostly about higher code coverage and better performance. Initial test duration: ~ 250 seconds (Alex local), 9,365 + 530 ignored = 9,895 statements in total |_<.Tests |_<.excl|_<.uncov|_<.total|_<.time|_<.| |2022-12-24|>. 530|>. 0|>. 530|>. 250|Initial| |2022-12-25|>. 0|>. 374|>. 374|>. 250|w/o pragma, 9,881 statements, 96.21% coverage| |2022-12-25|>. 27|>. 23|>. 324|>. 343|>. 351|>. 366|>. 240|Mail functions|