


Feature #1917

Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 2 years ago

This issue is for improved tests and mostly about higher code coverage and better performance. 
 Initial test duration: ~ 250 seconds (Alex local), 9,365 + 530 ignored = 9,895 statements in total 

 |_<.Tests    |_<.excl|_<.uncov|_<.total|_<.time|_<.|  
 |2022-12-24|>.    530|>.       0|>.     530|>.    250|Initial| 
 |2022-12-25|>.      0|>.     374|>.     374|>.    250|w/o pragma, 9,881 statements, 96.21% coverage| 
 |2022-12-26|>.     31|>.     287|>.     318|>.    246|Mail| 
 |2022-12-26|>.     36|>.     257|>.     293|>.    245|Import| 
 |2022-12-27|>.     47|>.     232|>.     279|>.    250|Admin functions| 
 |2022-12-28|>.     79|>.     200|>.     279|>.    250|Pragma for API functions| 
 |2022-12-28|>.     94|>.     182|>.     276|>.    250|Type functions| 
 |2022-12-29|>.     95|>.     169|>.     264|>.    252|views/| 
 |2022-12-30|>.    117|>.     128|>.     245|>.    254|| 
 |2023-01-02|>.    119|>.     122|>.     241|>.    253|| 
 |2023-01-03|>.    122|>.     116|>.     238|>.    253|| 
 |2023-01-04|>.    121|>.     114|>.     235|>.    253|| 
 |2023-01-05|>.    144|>.      91|>.     235|>.    253|(Re)adding coverage ignores| 
 |2023-01-06|>.    145|>.      83|>.     228|>.    254|| 
 |2023-01-07|>.    158|>.      68|>.     226|>.    254||
