Feature #2038
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 1 year ago
After "Debian":https://www.debian.org/, the standard installation system for OpenAtlas, released the new version 12 "bookworm":https://www.debian.org/News/2023/20230610.en.html we will look into, test and adapt OpenAtlas to the new available software packages. * *Python* from 3.9 to *3.11.2* * *Flask* from 1.1.2 to *2.2.2* * *PostgreSQL* from 13.11 to *15* * *PostGIS* from 3.1 *to 3.3* * *Jinja2* from 2.11 to *3.1* * *nodejs* from 12.22.12 to *18.13.0* Removable packages: *python3-rdflib-jsonld* (python3-rdflib 6.1.1 should include this package) This link might be useful when upgrading: "howto upgrade to bookworm":https://www.linuxlookup.com/howto/upgrade_debian_11_bullseye_debian_12_bookworm, in short: <pre> # apt update # apt upgrade # vim /etc/apt/sources.list (replace bullseye with bookworm, add non-free-firmware) # apt update # apt upgrade </pre> * When asked if to enable app-armor for msmtp I choose tried "yes" and it - I will give feedback about how this worked out ok later <pre> # apt full-upgrade # apt autoremove # reboot </pre>