


Feature #2079

Updated by Alexander Watzinger 7 months ago

Text annotation has been on our radar for some time now so I created an issues to discuss how we can proceed. 
 Basically it's about linking entities (actors, places, ...) to specific parts of a text, instead of just linking them to the whole text like it is possible currently. 

 White paper: [[Text_annotation|Text annotation]] Some thoughts: 
 * I guess we would use *Source* (E33) for annotations 
 * It shouldn't be a 2nd structure, e.g. only already linked entities (to a source) can be used for annotation, or we link them automatically 
 * We should definitely look into existing annotation tools before implementing our own 
 * Because the resulting annotations should also be usable outside of OpenAtlas we should look into existing formats usable for annotation, e.g. TEI 
