- Table of contents
- Extract data for demo
- Extract data for demo-dev
SQL statements used for producing demo data
Extract data for demo¶
Todo: Adapt like demo-dev SQL
BEGIN; -- Disable triggers, otherwise script takes forever and/or run into errors ALTER TABLE model.entity DISABLE TRIGGER on_delete_entity; ALTER TABLE model.link_property DISABLE TRIGGER on_delete_link_property; -- Delete data from other users than Sonja and Petra DELETE FROM model.entity WHERE id IN ( SELECT entity_id FROM web.user_log WHERE action = 'insert' AND class_code IN ('E33', 'E6', 'E7', 'E8', 'E12', 'E21', 'E40', 'E74', 'E18', 'E31', 'E84') AND user_id NOT IN (21, 16)); -- Delete unrelated user DELETE FROM web.user WHERE username NOT IN ('Alex', 'Demolina', 'jpreiser', 'pheinicker', 'sduenneb'); -- Insert demo user INSERT INTO web.user (username, real_name, email, active, group_id, password) VALUES ( 'Demolina', 'Demolina', '', True, (SELECT id FROM WHERE name = 'editor'), '$2b$12$9T05T1IiCnlEiUdf5gSosuSYewK5Rf4T/PwuvbSXEooR95BG2kgvG'); -- Disable email, set sitename and other settings UPDATE web.settings SET value = '' WHERE name = 'mail'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = '' WHERE name LIKE 'mail_%'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = '' WHERE name LIKE 'mail_recipients_feedback'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = '1' WHERE name = 'file_upload_max_size'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = 'Demo' WHERE name = 'site_name'; -- Update content UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '<p>Demo site for <a href="">OpenAtlas</a> projects. <a href="/login">Login</a>.</p> <p>The data will be reset daily around midnight. Demo data kindly provided by:</p> <p><strong>Mapping Medieval Conflicts (MEDCON). A digital approach towards political dynamics in the pre-modern period</strong><br /><br />MEDCON was funded within the go!digital-programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) from October 2014 to May 2017 and hosted at the Institute for Medieval Research of OEAW The project headed by Johannes Preiser-Kapeller examined the explanatory power of concepts of social and spatial network analysis for phenomena of political conflict in medieval societies.<br /><br />The data presented in this demo version stems from two of MEDCON´s case studies, “Emperor Frederick III and the League of the Mailberger coalition in 1451/52” (executed by Kornelia Holzner-Tobisch and Petra Heinicker) and “Factions and alliances in the fight of Maximilian I for Burgundy” (Sonja Dünnebeil).<br /><br />For further information on the project see: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mapping Medieval Conflict</a> or contact</p> <p><strong>OpenAtlas</strong></p>' WHERE name = 'intro' AND language = 'en'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '<p style="text-align: left;">Demo Seite für <a href="">OpenAtlas</a> Projekte. Zum <a href="/login">Login</a>.</p> <p>Die Daten werden täglich gegen Mitternacht zurückgesetzt. Demo Daten freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von:</p> <p><strong>Mapping Medieval Conflicts (MEDCON). A digital approach towards political dynamics in the pre-modern period</strong><br /><br />MEDCON wurde durch das go!digital-Programm der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) finanziert und vom Oktober 2014 bis zum Mai 2017 am Institut für Mittelalterforschung der ÖAW durchgeführt. Das Projekt untersuchte unter der Leitung von Johannes Preiser-Kapeller die Erklärungskraft von Konzepten der sozialen und geographischen Netzwerkanalyse für Phänomene des politischen Konflikts in mittelalterlichen Gesellschaften.<br /><br />Die Daten, die in dieser Demo-Version präsentiert werden, stammen aus zwei Fallstudien von MEDCON, „Kaiser Friedrich III. und die Liga der Mailberger Koalition, 1451/52“ (durchgeführt durch Kornelia Holzner-Tobisch und Petra Heinicker) und „Fraktionen und Allianzen im Kampf von Maximilian I. um Burgund“ (Sonja Dünnebeil).<br /><br />Weitere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie hier: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mapping Medieval Conflict</a> (bzw. Kontakt:</p> <p><strong>OpenAtlas</strong></p>' WHERE name = 'intro' AND language = 'de'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = 'Webmaster:' WHERE name = 'contact' AND language = 'en'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = 'Webmaster:' WHERE name = 'contact' AND language = 'de'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '' WHERE name = 'legal_notice' AND language = 'en'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '' WHERE name = 'legal_notice' AND language = 'de'; -- Delete orphans manually because triggers are disabled DELETE FROM model.entity WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM model.entity e LEFT JOIN l1 on = l1.domain_id LEFT JOIN l2 on = l2.range_id LEFT JOIN model.link_property lp2 on = lp2.range_id WHERE l1.domain_id IS NULL AND l2.range_id IS NULL AND lp2.range_id IS NULL AND e.class_code IN ('E61', 'E41', 'E53', 'E82')); -- Delete orphaned translations DELETE FROM model.entity WHERE system_type = 'source translation' AND id NOT IN (SELECT range_id FROM WHERE property_code = 'P73'); -- Re-enable triggers ALTER TABLE model.entity ENABLE TRIGGER on_delete_entity; ALTER TABLE model.link_property ENABLE TRIGGER on_delete_link_property; COMMIT;
Extract data for demo-dev¶
After executing test for orphaned locations and delete them with SQLs above.
-- SQL to filter demo data from DPP BEGIN; -- Disable triggers, otherwise script takes forever and/or runs into errors ALTER TABLE model.entity DISABLE TRIGGER on_delete_entity; -- Delete data from other case studies DELETE FROM model.entity WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT FROM model.entity e JOIN l ON = l.domain_id AND l.property_code = 'P2' AND l.range_id IN (SELECT id FROM model.entity WHERE name IN ('Ethnonym of the Vlachs'))) AND class_code IN ('E33', 'E6', 'E7', 'E8', 'E12', 'E21', 'E74', 'E40', 'E31', 'E18', 'E84', 'E22') AND (system_type IS NULL OR system_type NOT IN ('source translation')); -- Delete orphans manually because triggers are disabled DELETE FROM model.entity WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM model.entity e LEFT JOIN l1 on = l1.domain_id LEFT JOIN l2 on = l2.range_id WHERE l1.domain_id IS NULL AND l2.range_id IS NULL AND e.class_code IN ('E61', 'E41', 'E53', 'E82')); -- Delete orphaned translations DELETE FROM model.entity WHERE system_type = 'source translation' AND id NOT IN (SELECT range_id FROM WHERE property_code = 'P73'); -- Delete unrelated user DELETE FROM web.user WHERE username NOT IN ('Alex', 'dschmid', 'bkoschicek', 'mpopovic', 'jnikic'); -- Insert demo user INSERT INTO web.user (username, real_name, email, active, group_id, password) VALUES ( 'Demolina', 'Demolina', '', True, (SELECT id FROM WHERE name = 'editor'), '$2b$12$9T05T1IiCnlEiUdf5gSosuSYewK5Rf4T/PwuvbSXEooR95BG2kgvG'); -- Disable email, set sitename and other settings UPDATE web.settings SET value = '' WHERE name = 'mail'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = '' WHERE name LIKE 'mail_%'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = '' WHERE name LIKE 'mail_recipients_feedback'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = '1' WHERE name = 'file_upload_max_size'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = 'Development Demo' WHERE name = 'site_name'; UPDATE web.settings SET value = 'Development Demo' WHERE name = 'site_header'; -- Update content UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '<p>Development Demo site for <a href="">OpenAtlas</a> projects. <a href="/login">Login</a>.</p> <p>The data will be reset daily around midnight. Demo data kindly provided by:</p> <p><strong>The Ethnonym of the Vlachs in the Written Sources and the Toponymy in the Historical Region of Macedonia</strong> (11th-16th Cent.) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">More Information</a></p> <p>The present demo version is the result of a scholarly project, which was submitted by the digital cluster project “Digitising Patterns of Power (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DPP</a>)” at the Institute for Medieval Research (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for History). It focuses on the interplay between the resident population and the nomads (i.e. the Vlachs) in the historical region of Macedonia from the 11th to the 16th centuries.<br /><br />This region at the crossroads of Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Islam and the question of the origin of the Vlachs, who identify themselves as a separate ethnic group until modern times, as well as the ethnonym "Vlachs" and its derivatives in the form of toponyms and personal names are at the core of the joint research. Hereby, historical and archaeological research is combined with Digital Humanities.<br /><br />The project, which was successfully submitted by the project coordinators Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović and Prof. Dr. Toni Filiposki, is funded by the Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility (ICM) of the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH) for two years (2016-18) and forms an additional case study within DPP. <br /><br />Project teams:<br /><br />Toni Filiposki (project leader / Skopje), Boban Petrovski (Skopje), Nikola Minov (Skopje), Vladimir Kuhar (Skopje), Boban Gjorgjievski (Skopje)<br /><br />Mihailo Popović (project leader / Vienna), Jelena Nikić (Vienna), David Schmid (Vienna)</p> <p><strong>OpenAtlas</strong></p>' WHERE name = 'intro' AND language = 'en'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '<p style="text-align: left;">Development Demo Seite für <a href="">OpenAtlas</a> Projekte. Zum <a href="/login">Login</a>.</p> <p>Die Daten werden täglich gegen Mitternacht zurückgesetzt. Demo Daten freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von:</p> <p><strong>The Ethnonym of the Vlachs in the Written Sources and the Toponymy in the Historical Region of Macedonia</strong> (11th-16th Cent.) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">More Information</a></p> <p>The present demo version is the result of a scholarly project, which was submitted by the digital cluster project “Digitising Patterns of Power (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DPP</a>)” at the Institute for Medieval Research (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for History). It focuses on the interplay between the resident population and the nomads (i.e. the Vlachs) in the historical region of Macedonia from the 11th to the 16th centuries.<br /><br />This region at the crossroads of Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Islam and the question of the origin of the Vlachs, who identify themselves as a separate ethnic group until modern times, as well as the ethnonym "Vlachs" and its derivatives in the form of toponyms and personal names are at the core of the joint research. Hereby, historical and archaeological research is combined with Digital Humanities.<br /><br />The project, which was successfully submitted by the project coordinators Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović and Prof. Dr. Toni Filiposki, is funded by the Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility (ICM) of the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH) for two years (2016-18) and forms an additional case study within DPP. <br /><br />Project teams:<br /><br />Toni Filiposki (project leader / Skopje), Boban Petrovski (Skopje), Nikola Minov (Skopje), Vladimir Kuhar (Skopje), Boban Gjorgjievski (Skopje)<br /><br />Mihailo Popović (project leader / Vienna), Jelena Nikić (Vienna), David Schmid (Vienna)</p> <p> <strong>OpenAtlas</strong></p>' WHERE name = 'intro' AND language = 'de'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = 'Webmaster:' WHERE name = 'contact' AND language = 'en'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = 'Webmaster:' WHERE name = 'contact' AND language = 'de'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '' WHERE name = 'legal_notice' AND language = 'en'; UPDATE web.i18n SET text = '' WHERE name = 'legal_notice' AND language = 'de'; -- Re-enable triggers ALTER TABLE model.entity ENABLE TRIGGER on_delete_entity; COMMIT;
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 4 years ago · 26 revisions