


Meeting 2024-05-21 » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz, 2024-05-21 14:39) → Revision 7/8 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-05-21 14:41)

h1. Welterbe Salzkammergut Meeting 2024-05-21, 12:00 

 Location: Online 
 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color% and/or marked with an ✅. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. 

 h2. Participants 

 * *OpenAtlas*: Alexander Watzinger, Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz, Markus Pluschkovits 
 * *Welterbe Salzkammergut*: Bernd Paulowitz, Lara Alice Tudor, Renate Bornberg 

 h2. Topics 

 * Show and discuss #2261: Option to prevent selection of a type ✅ 
 * Attributions for files #2129 ✅ 

 h2. Topics added in the meeting 

 * How to structure places, e.g. a forest includes buildings. Administrative units can't be used because the places should also have geolocation and it is not possible to create "sub" places. %{color:green}-> new issue #2291% 
 * Import and use cadastral land register data (German: Kataster Daten) %{color:green}-> new issue: #2290% 
 * What are the restrictions for file upload 
 ** %{color:green}Which extensions and to what size can be configured by manager users in the backend, see "manual": 
 ** %{color:green}How much total disk space is needed has to be discussed, e.g. in case we are talking about Terabytes, we would have to plan the infrastructure accordingly% 
 * Ordering of types in forms %{color:green}-> new issue: #2292% 
 * Dynamic More dynamic types, e.g. only show some sub categories if something else was selected before. %{color:green}-> new issue: #2293% issue:% 
 * Map display problems for some people %{color:green}-> We kindly asked to create issues for these cases%