


Meeting 2024-05-22 » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-05-21 16:55) → Revision 5/6 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-05-22 14:17)

h1. Approaching Byzantium meeting 2024-05-22, 11:00 

 Location: Online 
 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color% and/or marked with an ✅. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. 

 h2. Participants 

 * *OpenAtlas*: Alexander Watzinger, Olivia Reichl 
 * *Approaching Byzantium*: Nicholas Melvani 

 h2. Topics 

 The meeting will be about the presentation site for Approaching Byzantium:, some information about releases and topics from Nicholas. 
 * Show type flag for not selectable  
 * Inform about upcoming license and file info changes  
 * Showing new Approaching Byzantium "presentation site": features, e.g. network visualization  

 h2. Questions from Nicholas 

 * Nicholas:  
 1. Are the IIIF edits visible in the presentation site? 
   %{color:green}-> IIIF functionality and showing annotations at the presentation site is planned to be implemented in June (#2065)% 
 * 2. Update on my recent question about displaying movement. 
   %{color:green}-> also planned to be implemented in June (#2253)% 
 * 3. Update on the last two questions regarding data entry (linking sources with other sources #2230, linking artifacts with other artifacts #2127) 
   %{color:green}-> unfortunately, we have currently no resources for that but could revisit these topics in autumn% 
 4. How to deal with shapes on the map 
   %{color:green}-> An issue for this was created: #2296% map.