


Meeting 2024-07-16 » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-17 20:02) → Revision 5/6 (Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz, 2024-07-17 23:22)

h1. Usability research meeting 2024-07-16 

 Location: NHM 
 Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color% and/or marked with an ✅. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt. 

 h3. Participants 

 * *OpenAtlas*: Alexander Watzinger 
 * *NHM*: Celestine Posch 

 h3. General 

 * Ask if notes taking, publishing results and naming them is is ok or if they prefer to remain anonymous ✅ 
 * What is planned to be worked on and which source material is used 
   %{color:green}Checking former entries and entering new events, e.g. movement from already prepared notes but also adding information from additional research done while entering.% 
 * How does work begin, e.g. using bookmarks, already logged in, ... 
   %{color:green}Selecting physical notes (story board like), starting the browser and selecting from address bar history what was last worked on.% 

 h3. Technical information 

 |_<.                |_<.Answer          |_<.Info| 
 |Device             |Laptop             |with big external monitor and keyboard| 
 |Operating system |Windows 11         || 
 |Browser            |Edge               || 
 |Screen resolution|1920x1080          || 
 |OpenAtlas version|uni:version:8.6.0|develop version| 
 |UI language        |English            || 

 h3. Used features 

 |_<.                |_<.Answer          |_<.Info| 
 |Redmine            |Yes                |using it mostly bITEM specific| 
 |Manual             |No                 |but seemed to be aware of it, used and appreciated mouse over information in forms| 
 |Newsletter         |No                 || 
 |Bookmarks          |No                 |wasn't aware of this feature| 
 |Notes              |No                 |wasn't aware of this feature| 


 h3. User information 

 * Since when are they using OpenAtlas %{color:green}-> for about 10 month with gradual rising task complexity% 
 * Which project is worked on currently %{color:green}-> "bITEM": "bITEM": 
 * What is liked/disliked %{color:green}-> see additional outcome% 
 * Ideas for improvement (e.g. improved dashboard for quicker navigation to their tasks) %{color:green}-> see additional outcome% 
 * What is the workflow when questions or problems arise (manual, Redmine, mail, colleagues, ...) %{color:green}-> talks to Stefan Eichert because of instant availability (same office), he is the project lead and of course an expert in OpenAtlas% 
 * Are there known bugs, if yes what prevented reporting %{color:green}-> No, the user experience was entirely bug-free% 
 * Are they feel included in the development process %{color:green}->Yes, naturally because of the proximity to Stefan Eichert% 


 h3. %{color:green}Feedback and additional observations% 

 * *Performance*: some views took long to load, especially updating events took a few seconds 
   -> may be solved with #2300: Load form tables dynamically 
 * *Translations*: for description translations a workaround (special character sequences in description field) was used but seemed unhandy and error prone 
   -> could be solved with #1925: Multi language support for data entering 
 * *Description*: the description field was noted as too small 
   -> an issue was created: #2327 
 * *Table views*: it was noted that filter functions would be helpful 
   -> an issue for this already exists: #998 (the oldest open one) 
 * *Event views*: it was noted that it's difficult to know which (sub) class e.g. an existing event might be 
   -> an issue was created: #2328 
 * *Profile*: the time module was activated but not needed and there seemed no awareness that it could be turned off to make for a less cluttered user interface 
 * *Move*: confusing workflow for adding moving persons/groups 
   -> This is an older (unsolved) discussion but I put it on the agenda of the next developer meeting 

 h3. %{color:green}Concluding remarks% 

 * Thanks a lot to Celestine for taking the time and volunteering for our first structured user research interview 
 * Results were very interesting. There were new ideas for improvement and also confirmation of existing ideas 
 * Celestine seemed comfortable using and navigating OpenAtlas 
 * I (Alex) liked the reported bug-free experience, especially considering that Celestine mostly works with a not (yet) released development version