



Start page » History » Revision 1

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Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-09 10:40

Start page

The idea is to improve the start page for users.

Areas of interest

  • Overview of project data for existing and new users
  • Workflow, e.g. provide quicker access for frequently tasks
  • "Friendlier" layout, e.g. it should be informative but not confusing or even intimidating


At the moment following information is provided at the start page:

  • Information about login and link to feedback
  • Table with overview of classes
  • Table with latest entries
  • Top navigation bar with links to
    • Manual
    • Model
    • Reference systems
    • Network visualization
    • Frontend (if configured)


  • Configurable "dashboard"

Feedback candidates

  • Active users (join data entry sessions)
  • Christoph (frontend)
  • Olivia (frontend)
  • Katharina (frontend)
  • Matthias (APIS)

Updated by Alexander Watzinger 2 months ago · 1 revisions

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