


Usability research » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-12 11:04) → Revision 2/3 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-12 11:06)

h1. Usability research 

 Feedback from users is very important for us because OpenAtlas exists to make their work with research data possible and easier. 
 There are many ways to get feedback and one approach is to sit together with users working with OpenAtlas, observe their workflow and ask questions. 
 This draft is a guideline to interview users and analyze their workflow in a structured way. Resulting protocols can be added to the meetings page. 

 h3. Start at the beginning 

 * Ask if notes taking, publishing results and naming them is is ok or if they prefer to remain anonymous 
 * What is planned to be worked on and which source material is used 
 * How does work begin, e.g. are they using bookmarks, are they logged in already, ... 

 h3. General information 

 * Date 
 * User 
 * Project 

 h3. Technical information 

 * Device (pc, laptop, ...) 
 * Operating system 
 * Browser 
 * Screen resolution 
 * OpenAtlas version 
 * UI language 

 h3. User information 

 * Since when are they using OpenAtlas 
 * Is the newsletter activated 
 * Are bookmarks used 
 * Are notes used 
 * What is liked/disliked 
 * Ideas for improvement (e.g. improved dashboard for quicker navigation to their tasks) 
 * What Which feedback options are used, what is the workflow when questions or problems arise (manual, Redmine, Redmine issues, mail, asking colleagues, ...) 
 * Are there known bugs, if yes what prevented reporting 
 * Are they feel included in the development process