Andreas Olschnögger's activity
From 2022-03-06 to 2022-04-04
- 14:00 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1653 (Closed): Generic case study selection
- 09:37 OpenAtlas Feature #1664 (Closed): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
- I've made the sibling polygons visible by default. Changes are on the develop branch.
- 09:41 OpenAtlas Bug #1662 (Closed): No map overlay possible
- I have implemented the map overlay for the new map this feature is now in the develop branch.
- 08:54 OpenAtlas Bug #1661 (Closed): Map does not focus on chosen place
- Issue is fixed and already on the develop branch.
- 11:02 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1654 (Closed): Show text that can be configured in the OpenAtlas backend
- 09:39 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature #1658 (Closed): Add CONNEC logo, change site title
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