Bug #1580
closedHidden error messages for reference systems
Start date:
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Found in version:
Use case:
I have several reference systems linked to place, so the reference systems are hidden behind a show/hide button. I add a reference system, e.g. geonames but forget to choose the precision. When I click on save, I come back to the create/edit page with the entered data but the reference system field hidden. Therefore, I can not see the error message "Precision required" and wonder why the entity was not saved.
It would be preferable, that the reference systems would be shown if an error occur.
Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 3 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Subject changed from Reference systems error message hidden to Hidden error messages for reference systems
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Alexander Watzinger
- Target version set to 6.5.0
- Found in version set to 6.4.1
Thank you for reporting and especially the nice animation.
It is fixed in the develop branch. Now references system fields are always shown, if they contain errors.