Feature #1991
closedImport controlled vocabularies via API
The VOCABS service of the ACDH-CH has an API which can be used to import controlled vocabularies into OpenAtlas.
Branch: feature_vocabs
Questions:- Do we want to import only published hierarchies or also stages (except INDIGO)? -> authentication for staging area required, currently in production.py: VOCABS_USER and VOCABS_PW
Choose language if available*(if label is not available in that language, the default language will be used)Choose multiple*Choose which OpenAtlas classes are linked*Make ID, URI and API URI as input field and not config varsMake for each Thesaurus a new reference system *- Make preview as type tree
Swagger of the Skosmos API: https://vocabs-api.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/ (choose HTTPS to try it out)
Try it out resolves to https://vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at, INDIGO is still on https://vocabs.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/ and password protected (Bernhard has the credentials)
All vocabularies: https://vocabs.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/rest/v1/vocabularies?lang=de
INDIGO: https://vocabs.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/rest/v1/indigo/
INDIGO top concepts: https://vocabs.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/rest/v1/indigo/topConcepts
To get the narrower of a concept: https://vocabs.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/rest/v1/indigo/narrower?uri=https://vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/indigo/ActivitiesF
(Thanks to Klaus for the input)