Administration #608
closedFrontier - Concept
What we want to do:
Develop OpenAtlas for:
Data Input
Data Display (Read only)
Linked Open Data Endpoint
Data Download
Provide the research Data as Open Data including:
Text information on physical things (archaeological sites, features, stratigraphical units and finds)
Prosopographical Information
Written Sources
Metric information on dimensions, weight etc. of physical things
Image Data on various entities
Additional files
3D-Models of physical things
Make the data compatible regarding the guidelines for open repositories.
Ensure data sustainability via Univ. Vienna
Register Frontier Data as repository.
Name of Project (of course with cool acronym)
Ideas for name:
Middle Ages without borders
Digital Middle Age Collection
Medieval digital archive
DOMD Digital Open Medieval Data
Open Data Network for Medieval Sources
Saacmeds - Stefan's and Alex' cool medieval Data stuff
Domesday - Digital open medieval stuff dude ay
Digitizing the Medieval World - DigMeWo
Medieval Sources Reinvented - MeSoRe
Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 9 years ago
- Project changed from 24 to 21
- Subject changed from Concept to Frontier - Concept
- Status changed from New to Closed
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 8 years ago
- Project changed from 21 to OpenAtlas
- Description updated (diff)