


Feature #2241

Updated by Alexander Watzinger 7 months ago

 Because of the questions below it came apparent that some parts about adding sub artifacts were missing in the manual. Missing documentation was added in the **develop** branch and will be part of the next release. 

 *Original question* 
 The E22 “artifacts” entry states that it can be used both for specific objects and for collections (e.g. a chess set). it would be very useful to be able to assign a given artifact as being subordinate to another - e.g. an entry for, say, the “Queen” to be both 1) an item in its own right and 2) part of the “chess set” as a whole. 

 (From my current understanding, at the moment an artifact can only be assigned as subordinate to a “place”) 

 Being able to do the same thing for an *E53 "place"* would also be useful, e.g. to be able to assign an individual "grave" to a  
 "graveyard", and then the "graveyard" to a given "settlement", etc.
