


Question #536

Updated by Stefan Eichert over 8 years ago

Tags for categorization in description fields 

 Choose an identifier to mark information like -a a different translation- language translation which can be used to extract this information at a later time e.g.  

 I suggest using a certain tag like "--##--Begin:" and "--##--End:" to mark begin and end of the respective section. (Just like Alex wrote) 
 As second part of this tag I suggest using some type definition like: "Abstract", "Text", "Comment". 
 The third part should define the language: "German", "English", "Latin" etc. 


 Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische 

 Fisherman Fritz is fishing fresh fish 

 Is mir doch egal was Fritz macht 

 Is mir doch egal was Fritz macht 

 This is an interesting text 
 Das ist ein interessanter Text 
 </pre>- </pre> 
